I forked a python script (Walitean) because the endianness of the integers was wrong. With my forked version, you can convert the wal file into a sql database to view by doing the following:
Once the wal file is converted, you can run the following sql query to parse the database:
SELECT unknown0 AS Id, unknown1 AS HandlerId, unknown2 AS ActiveId, unknown3 AS Type, unknown4 AS Payload, unknown5 AS Tag, unknown6 AS 'Group',
datetime((unknown7/10000000)-11644473600, 'unixepoch') AS ExpiryTime, datetime((unknown8/10000000)-11644473600, 'unixepoch') AS ArrivalTime ,
unknown9 AS DataVersion
My forked version of Walitean can be found here:
Awesome stuff, thanks for sharing!