Antivirus Management Log

Antivirus Management Log File Format

The antivirus managment log for SEP can be found at the following location:

  • Windows
    C:\ProgramData\Symantec\Symantec Endpoint Protection\CurrentVersion\Data\Logs\AVMan.log
  • Linux
Field Type Size Description
Max Log Size hex 8 Maximum log file size in bytes
Unknown hex 8 ?
Number of Entries hex 8 Number of entries in log
Unknown hex 8 ?
Unknown hex 8 ?
Max Log Days hex 8 Maximun days to save log entries

Log Entries

The log is in TSV format, meaning, each field is separated by a tab character.

Field Type Size Description
Entry Length hex 8 Length of log entry
Date and Time 1 Windows: 64 bit Hex Value - Big Endian 16 Will require further investigation as to the purpose of this log entry.
Date and Time 2 Windows: 64 bit Hex Value - Big Endian 16 Will require further investigation as to the purpose of this log entry.
Date and Time 3 Windows: 64 bit Hex Value - Big Endian 16 Will require further investigation as to the purpose of this log entry.
Unknown hex 8 Will require further investigation as to the purpose of this log entry.
Data varbinary 2000 Additional data in binary format.