Key updates
There are a couple of improvements to this version of OneDriveExplorer (ODE). First off, the much needed update to the json output. This will make it easier to add new elements and removes all the unneeded ones. The next improvement was to the status column. The various statuses have been figured out so you will no longer see a number next to the unknown ones. With the status figured out, OneDriveExplorer can now properly nest the folder structure and tell the difference between synced and linked libraries. The parentScopeID, parentResourceID, and resourceID are also properly parsed now.
Lets look at the data
If we compare the new version of ODE to the previous one, some interesting things jump out. We can clearly see which folder is the users OneDrive folder and which ones have been synced. You will also notice that the status column has been updated with the proper statuses.
Status meaning
The following are the OneDrive statuses that are recorded and their meaning:
The interesting thing with the status codes are that not synced and not linked are not on the users file system. Whenever we perform a sync or link to a library, the OneDrive client pulls all the information from the head of the library. In turn, we are able to see with ODE data for the entire library whether the files/folders are on the endpoint or not.
The latest version of OneDriveExplorer can be found here.
Additional updates
The <UserCid>.dat page has been updated with the latest information on the file format.